Thursday, May 28, 2009

Countries that are Least Affected by Recession


Sent to you by Kamal via Google Reader:


via Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog by Amit Agarwal on 5/26/09

This world map shows a list of countries that are considered least affected by the global economic crisis.

 world map of recession proof countries

Australia takes the top spot followed by China with India and Singapore in equal third place. Qatar is the only gulf nation that figures in this "relatively" recession-proof list.

The data is based on the results of a business confidence survey that was done on international business people of 24 nations to identify which countries they believe are surviving the crisis the best. More on Herald Sun and Servcorp, the company that commissioned the survey.

The countries perceived to be surviving the economic crisis the best, as voted by international businesspeople are:

country ranks on recession scale 

Related: Financial Crisis in Plain English

Countries that are Least Affected by Recession - Published at Digital Inspiration (RSS)


Things you can do from here:


Saturday, May 23, 2009

India Results

Dear Friends,

Visit this blog to find out different Indian Results online. I would seek help from Visitors to leave a comment whenever they visit this blog. It would be really helpful to improve and provide an upto date info to the result aspirants.


Profit Formula 7

Are You Paying Attention To The *TRENDS*

I'm going to share some valuable knowledge with you today that you probably had no idea even existed.

In fact, I'm going to expose you to some of the largest trends happening within technology that our world has ever seen...and then I'm going to show you can profit obscenely off these trends once you know how.

You see, technology is changing every facet of how we live our lives. It's almost impossible to even predict how much more that's going to continue as the technology gets more and more advanced.

But if you want an idea...just think about how life was 20 years ago compared to how it is today. Heck, even 10 years ago we barely had cell phones.

In any case, what's important to understand here is that the smartest entrepreneurs throughout time have profited and capitalized off mammoth trends taking place because they were AWARE OF THEM before most other people were.

What I'm going to share with you today is EXACTLY that situation.

Traditional internet marketing techniques include strategies such as PPC (pay per click), SEO (search engine optimization), banner advertising, and classified ads. These are all considered web 1.0.

We are on the frontier of a dramatic shift from web 1.0 techniques (one-way advertising) to web 2.0 (two-way advertising). So what does that mean?

Well, web 2.0 is "social advertising"… This includes social networking sites, such as Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, Squidoo, Forums, and Video Communities, like YouTube and MetaCafe.

People love to be a part of a community and there is so much inherent power in it, it's pretty crazy! Communities have the power to make or break a career, build up a brand, destroy a brand, or even influence an election!

There was a girl who recently made a bunch of YouTube videos about presidential candidate, Barack Obama. She made it to the news and was able to start up a rip roaring Obama fan club! She got nicknamed, "Obama Girl".

Presidential candidate, Ron Paul, also built up an enormous support base just through social networking sites like MySpace and YouTube. He got absolutely NO media coverage, but was still able to win the hearts of many many voters across the country!

Rupert Murdoch, a multi-billionaire business mogul, saw the potential in these "power communities". He purchased MySpace, a completely FREE social networking site, for a whopping $580 million in 2005.

Google saw the growing popularity of YouTube, another FREE video networking site. Google bought out YouTube for almost $2 billion in 2007, even though they've got their own video site, Google Video.

Why you may ask? Well, YouTube did a better job of connecting people and encouraging the social aspect of the community than Google did.

As you can see, the trends are CLEARLY heading in the direction of social networking communities. However, there are very few people who see how profitable this can be. And even the ones that do see the potential don't fully understand how to optimize and execute it.

People are tired of "being sold". They are developing more of a mistrust for commercialized websites and corporations. People trust people, and that is exactly why the social networking revolution is so powerful.

Hard core selling no longer flies… you must build a relationship with your prospects and earn their trust!

Think about this for an example: Let's say a man takes a woman out on a first date. They're having a wonderful time and he gets so excited, that he asks her to marry him. Of course, the woman would probably slap him the face! He completely jumped the gun and skipped over the whole "relationship building" part.

It's the same with sales and marketing. You cannot start selling before you've earned the trust of your prospect. Social networking sites give you the chance to build yourself up in the eyes of the community.

But I'm not talking about "hyping" yourself up, I'm talking about being yourself! Letting your true self shine forth and attracting like-minded people to you! This is the essence of attraction marketing that I talked to you about yesterday.

Did you know that there are over 225,000,000 who have created profiles on MySpace alone...and it grows by over 500,000 people every single day.

YET virtually 99.9999999% of those people have 'no idea' how much of a goldmine is sitting underneath their feet.

They have no idea what kind of opportunity 225,000,000 people in ONE PLACE has actually created for the entrepreneur.

They continue to live their daily lives...communicating with friends, messaging others, hanging out in groups, commenting back and forth between acquaintances, looking at other people's profiles in their spare time...

While 'little old me' has *MASTERED* the ability of tapping into ALL of these people to generate an absolutely endless amount of FREE leads and distributors for my business.

And not only that...but when I show you some incredibly powerful marketing're going to see that I literally have more people MESSAGING ME, COMMENTING TO ME, and CHASING ME DOWN then I can even handle.

I have completely flipped the switch on everything most network marketers have ever been taught.

I chase no one. I call no one. I prospect no one.

Yet I have more people joining my businesses, and wanting to work with me then 99.9999999% of other network marketers out there.

My team has put together a free 5 day Myspace boot camp course, that will show you how to generate ENDLESS free leads for any business you choose. You can claim your free copy here:

It is like an attraction marketing playground where you can literally 'WILL' an infinite amount of people to come directly to you.

The truth is though...there is no one really talking about this in the world of marketing. This is so cutting edge… that word is just starting to get out.

And that's what creates such ENORMOUS opportunity for you right now. Because there's something else you need to know about using the power of Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, and Squidoo to build your business...

It's Completely Free.

Yup, it is completely free. Every lead you generate, every sale you generate, every distributor you 100% profit.

You pay NOTHING for that advertising. That is why it's so beautiful.

I can't even tell you the value these mediums have had in building my business. But I'll try...

I've literally generated hundreds of leads from these social networking sites. I've built an Enormous network of contacts that I will have for the rest of my life, I've met some awesome friends, and have had multiple and consistent $1000 Days off Twitter alone.

And I haven't paid a single cent in advertising for any of it. Do you realize how powerful that is?

And once you know these same strategies...these same daily 'mechanics' of creating can literally COPY everything I'm doing RIGHT NOW and use it to build your business to staggering heights.

It's knowledge like this that seriously took me to being a full time entrepreneur on the internet in a matter of months rather then being forced to go out and do work I couldn't stand just to pay my way in life.

If you apply this knowledge...that's exactly what it can do for you too.

If you're DEAD SERIOUS about creating real financial abundance and freedom for yourself, you MUST put yourself in the know and educate yourself on the massive trends that are taking place right now...

I cannot stress enough how PROFITABLE social networking really is for your business.

If you want to access to the EXACT same knowledge that has enabled me to quit all 3 of my jobs and earn a full time income from home in a matter of months, give me a call right away at (501) 514-4698.

Now is the time to take action my friend! You are perfectly positioned to take serious advantage of these social networking trends... don't miss the boat on this one!

Have a beautiful day and I'll be sharing much more with you very soon...

Yours in True Success,
Justin Glover

P.S. Don't forget to claim your free 5 day bootcamp where we show you how to generate ENDLESS leads, distributors, and cash flow for your MLM business here:

P.P.S. Here's some MySpace facts that will make your head spin with excitement once you know my 'renowned' marketing tactics...

- Over 150,000,000 on MySpace are 21 and over.

- MySpace is the world's 8th largest country now in terms of population and all those people are at YOUR immediate fingertips with the click of a button.

- There's no end to how many profiles you can create.

- There's no end to how many friends you can add.

- There's no end to how much money you can make.

And the same goes for Twitter, YouTube, Squidoo, Facebook, and many many others!

Powered by AutoResponse Plus

How To Find a Job
How To Find a Job
Resumes and Cover Letters

Alison Doyle

from Alison Doyle
Welcome to the How to Speed Up Your Job Search class! This week, we'll move from the career planning process to writing effective and compelling resumes and cover letters. Your resume is usually the first impression an employer will have of you - it needs to market your relevant skills, knowledge, and accomplishments. Employers usually only spend 30 seconds or so reviewing each resume, therefore, that first impression needs to be the one that counts.

Even if you are not looking for a job right now - have a resume and a cover letter ready to go, so, if you see a position that's interesting you'll be able to send it out right away.

Sample Resumes

Your resume is one of the most important job search tools you have. Getting your resume ready used to be relatively simple - write it, design it, format it, print it on good quality bond paper and send it off to prospective employers. The tremendous growth of internet recruiting has changed the process. Now job seekers need to be prepared to design a resume, send it via email or as an attachment to an email, post it to an employer web site or a resume database and create a hypertext resume for the web. Not sure what your resume should look like? Review our samples.

Sponsored Links
Resume and Cover Letter Guide

The first step is to start with a plain, simple resume you can edit into the various formats you'll need. Give up the fancy fonts and formatting and the expensive paper. Once you have the content set you can adjust the formatting for your paper copy and use the plain version online. Use a simple font like Courier or Times New Roman. Avoid columns and tabs and other spacing adjustments. Also avoid bold, italics, script, graphics, borders and underlining. Use asterisks rather than bullets, they will scan better. While preparing keywords (nouns and phrases that highlight technical and professional skills) make sure you select keywords that adequately reflect your expertise and experience.

Cover Letters

Next, you'll need to prepare a cover letter. Write a custom cover letter for each employer. State why you are writing and indicate where you learned of the position and the title of the position you are applying for. Explain the reasons for your interest in the organization and express your enthusiasm for the job. Identify your most relevant skills and experiences and refer to the qualifications for the position and illustrate how your abilities relate to the position you are applying for.

Cutting Edge Cover Letters

What it takes for your resume and cover letter to make an impact when the employer has received hundreds of resumes for the position you have applied for.

10 Steps to a Killer Resume

An overwhelming majority of job seekers make basic mistakes with their resumes -­ mistakes that ensure that they will not get the interviews they deserve. If you feel as though you're sending your resume into a black hole, try this Ten Step Program to diagnose problems and get your résumé working for you.

Need Help?
Have a question or need help? Stop by our Forum for advice and suggestions.
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Friday, May 22, 2009

Profit Formula 6

My Most *COVETED* Marketing Secret

I'm going to be sharing something with you today that could honestly make you more money in your entrepreneurial career than LITERALLY anything else...

And that is the secret of ATTRACTION MARKETING. Once you master this technique, you will have people calling you all day long, asking how they can partner up with YOU in business...

How do I know this? Well, that's exactly what I'm experiencing right now. I do not prospect ANYONE, I do not cold-call, and my phone literally rings all day long with people who are interested in what I'm doing.

This isn't just luck, this is a very specific and strategic technique that I'm going to teach you how to master as well.

The essence of attraction marketing is that you get out there, specifically in the social networking communities, and be yourself! Share your interests, views, philosophies, and passions with the community, and literally ATTRACT people of similar vibrations back to you.

There will be some people who immediately connect with you and others that do not. The most beautiful part about this whole phenomenon is that not only have I built a massively successful business this way, but I've also created some lasting friendships that go much deeper than just business.

This is because I ATTRACTED like-minded people to myself through my marketing. And these people end up calling ME, not the other way around.

One of my business partners, Katie Freiling made a video about this subject that you can watch here:

This industry is all about "branding" you... and when you can use the principles of attraction marketing to brand yourself and gain the trust and respect of your prospects, you will never have to chase down another lead ever again.

You can use attraction marketing in everything you do online, but it is most effective in the social networking communities, like YouTube, Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, Squidoo, Article Directories, Forums, Blogs, etc.

And the best part is... It's all free!

If you want to learn more about how you can master the principles of attraction marketing and have consistent, targeted prospects "hunting" you down everyday, call me at (501) 514-4698.

You can literally turn your marketing efforts into a streamlined cash creating machine, while also building solid relationships with everyone you meet online.

Again, make sure you watch this video:

I'm going to be explaining this more in detail in the days to come, so stay tuned! Have a beautiful day, and remember to smile :) There's much to smile about...

Yours in Success,
Justin Glover

P.S. You can check out a couple of my YouTube channels here:

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Keyword Country

Get Up To 230% More Traffic With Keyword Country

Hello Friend!!!

After trying a lot of keyword research tools in the market, I came across Keyword Country’s newly launched version… and it would be safe to say that Keyword Country is the most comprehensive and most complete keyword research tool I have ever seen.

Believe it or not, comprehensive experiments demonstrate that keyword research completed through Keyword Country 5 has the potential to bring you up to 230% more traffic than any traditional keyword research tool you may have used in the past!

Watch free videos to learn more about Keyword Country:

See how effective KC5 is compared with other keyword tools:

Here is what makes KC5 the most powerful and efficient keyword tool available online:

- The World's Biggest English Keyword Database With Foreign Language Support:
Keyword Country brings you the world's biggest English keyword database, which covers more than 30 billion profitable keywords, including those heavily promoted by your competitors. In addition to that, KC is the only keyword engine that can find you relevant keywords in French, Spanish, Dutch, German and 14 other languages so you can profit from non-English speaking regions too!

- KC’s Realtime Keyword Research Will Grab 230% More Traffic Yielding Keywords Than Other Keyword Tools:
KC’s Realtime Search extracts keywords from all major keyword sources, including the Google, Yahoo, MSN and ASK search engines, and the source of keywords to these search engines i.e. the industry itself. As such, it extracts 230% more traffic yielding keywords than the major search engines put together.

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Get access to the exact keywords that search engines want to see in your web pages in order to rank you higher. Know the keywords and LSI matches that the high rankers of any keyword have in common. Outranking your competitors has never been so easy!

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Practically reverse engineer your competitor's SEO strategies and PPC campaigns and find the keywords that are driving maximum traffic to your competitors. Know their sources of traffic and conversions within minutes!

- Research Traffic Attracting Misspelling Keywords
KC extracts misspelled variations of your main keyword through eight different sources in order to equip you with maximum possibilities of getting popular, less competitive and cheaper alternatives of your core keyword.

- Plugin Support To Automate Your Business:
KC5 is the first ever market keyword tool that you can program and customize as per your needs. KC also comes with following ready to use plugins:
- MSN Search Volume
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- MSN Competition Count
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- Yahoo Advertiser Count
- Yahoo Competition Count

Watch free videos to learn more about Keyword Country:

See how effective KC5 is compared with other keyword tools:

Keyword Country is the most complete keyword tool in the market and I feel that this tool is well worth the investment. I can honestly say that Keyword Country has quickly become my new first choice tool for researching keyword phrases. I now use Keyword Country and my keyword research ability has never, ever been so strong.

Buy Keyword Country before your competitors do:

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Profit Formula 5

How To Move Closer To Your Goals Right Now!!!
In order for you to really actualize your goals, there are specific steps you need to take right now to make that happen. As you know, the dreamer never gets anywhere in life… it's the action taker that is able to manifest real success.

The biggest roadblock for most people who desire to be entrepreneurs is the initial hesitation period. It's the period of self-doubt, wondering, questioning, and procrastinating.

The "I'll do it tomorrow" attitude is severely self-limiting and actually quite damaging to your success. Do everyday all that you can do that day.

The people who are the most successful are the ones who DO NOT HESITATE. In fact, your speed of implementation is very telling as to how successful you will ultimately be.

Let's take for example the person who finds out about a new marketing technique and sits on it for the next few days or weeks. By the time he or she gets around to implementing, there are already numerous other people who have positioned themselves first. This industry is all about how quickly you take action.

So, your first step is to call me for your free consultation. You'll never know what's out there if you don't take that first step.

The perfect opportunity or partnership could be waiting for you right around the corner… The law of attraction works in strange and very profound ways.

Again, you can reach me at (501) 514-4698 during normal business hours or you can respond to this email with a preferable appointment time.

I've got many new projects and tricks up my sleeve that you are going to get exclusive access to, so make sure you call as soon as possible.

Once you do that, we'll get you set up with a master marketing plan tailored to YOU.

Tomorrow I'm going to be sharing one of the biggest secrets to creating real wealth and success on the internet… So stay tuned for some real insider marketing knowledge.

Yours in Success,
Justin Glover

P.S. A good friend of mine, Jonathan Budd, has created a revolutionary 'business in a box' system that you can use to market literally ANY company... Even if you're currently with a different home business opportunity, THIS is the system that will make your life a heck of a lot easier...

Check out what I'm talking about below:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Profit Formula 4

There are an enormous amount of home business opportunities out there today, so how do you find the one that will be the most profitable for you? Well, there are a number of important things to take into consideration...

1. How innovative and cutting-edge is the product?

2. How much stability does the company really have?

3. How long has the company been around?

4. How lucrative is the compensation plan?

5. And who are you partnering up with?

Who will your mentors be? So, let's start with product... There are countless exotic juice products, vitamins, travel memberships, and skin care product companies out there today. What really makes something innovative and stand out from the rest? Well, you want to look for something that will REVOLUTIONIZE an entire industry... Something that will forever change the way we see something. If a new company came out tomorrow with another "juice" product, would that really revolutionize the nutritional industry? No, not at all. That's not cutting-edge or innovative, and most people probably wouldn't even think twice about it. Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about here when I say "revolutionary"... I was invited to be a founding leader in a new company called GeneWize Life Sciences. GeneWize is a nutritional company that is doing DNA testing to formulate a personalized nutritional supplement according to each individual's genetic profile. Hmmmm... sounds like THAT is something that will definitely turn heads... and it already has. It is rare for any company, let alone a network marketing company, to have the potential to revolutionize an entire industry. A DNA personalized nutritional program sounds like something out of a science fiction novel, but it is now a REALITY. This is the kind of company and product that will completely revolutionize the way we see nutrition and the level of support we are able to offer our bodies. You see the difference? Ok, now let's talk about company stability. You want to make sure that the company has a solid leadership foundation as well as a strong management team. Who's behind the company and who are the investors? Flimsy, fly by night, opportunities may be here one day and gone tomorrow. Stability is crucial... Age of the company is also a critical factor. Now, for most network marketing companies, their largest period of growth is within the first few years. Once a company has been around for 2, 3, or 4 years, the risk is much lower because you know that the company is doing well... But so is the reward. If you are looking to "make it big" in network marketing, the most profitable positions are at the very beginning, at the ground floor of a company. So, older company... less risk and lower reward. New company...Moderate risk and high reward. The choice is up to you. So now, let's talk about compensation plans. There are two main types of home based businesses: network marketing and direct sales. Direct sales is where you get paid a high-ticket commission up front for every sale you make. There is the potential to make a significant amount of money right away, but you must always be making sales if you want to keep making money. Network marketing is a little bit the opposite. You work hard in the beginning to build your sales organization and if you do it right, you can create real walk-away residual income for the rest of the life of the company. So, it's really about what you're looking for...

Are you looking to make money NOW or do you want to create residual income for your future? I am actually involved with both. I'm building a direct sales organization to support myself RIGHT NOW while also building a network marketing organization to create some real residual for the future. Now, as far as network marketing compensation plans go, some companies definitely offer much higher commissions and compensation plans than others. Just make sure you do your research about the compensation plan of the company you're looking to join. The compensation plan is HOW YOU GET PAID, so it is very important to do your due diligence about this part. Finally, you want to figure out who you will be joining and partnering up with in business. Now, of course you and you alone are responsible for your success, but if you can partner up with people who are connected, successful, and have much VALUE to offer you, you have an incredible advantage. Your "upline", or your sponsors, are the ones who will be guiding you, motivating you, teaching you, and supporting you along the way. I can tell you from experience that having a good mentor is soooo important in this industry. So, I hope I was able to shed some light and clarify some things about how to choose the most profitable business opportunity you can. Whether or not you are already involved in a business, make sure you give me a call so we can put together a profitable marketing game plan for you.

If you are looking to partner up with myself and other top internet marketers in the industry who can put you on the fast track to success, you have 2 options:

Opportunity #1: GeneWize Life Sciences

GeneWize is a network marketing company that just launched publicly in August of 2008. They are the marketing arm of a 12 year old biotech company called GeneLink. They have patents pending on their discovery of 12 DNA "snips" that are precise indicators of your genetic health. After taking a saliva sample and doing a DNA analysis, GeneWize formulates a personalized, unique nutritional program just for you. They have over 177,000 different combinations of ingredients that are all 80-90% organic, plant based, all- natural, and pharmaceutical grade. They even have unique ingredients that have been found to support and even IMPROVE the structure of your DNA. In all of my experience in this industry, I have NEVER seen a product this cutting-edge and revolutionary. GeneWize is incredibly stable because they are backed by a 12 year old biotech company with a great name in the industry. The compensation plan pays you DOUBLE what most other network marketing companies pay and you now have the opportunity to get in at the ground floor. At this stage of the game, my partners and I are only choosing to work with LEADERS, so if you are interested in partnering up with us, you must give me a call as soon as possible to secure your position. We will be working hand in hand with our new business partners, providing them with advanced marketing coaching as well as proven marketing systems.

You can get more information here: (501) 514-4698

Option #2: Coaching Program

If you are already involved with a home business and you are looking to get internet marketing coaching, you can join my coaching program. Again, please call for more information or reply to this email. This industry is so exciting and the possibilities are honestly unlimited! My partners and I are making some big things happen, so make sure you get plugged in as soon as possible. I'm looking forward to sharing much more knowledge with you in the days to come! We'll speak soon...

Yours in Success,

Justin Glover

Profit Formula 3

Nothing Matters If You Don't Have This

Whether you have a lemonade stand on the street corner, a home based business, or even a multi-million dollar corporation, if you don't have a solid understanding of this one thing, you don't really have a business AT ALL. So what am I talking about today? MARKETING... Developing the ability to create consistent targeted traffic, or visitors, for your business on a daily basis. The network marketing industry is based on the premise of warm market prospecting. This means talking to your "warm market" of family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Although this is a fundamental part of network marketing and home based businesses, it has proven to be "not enough" for most people... If you don't have a constant stream of fresh, new people to introduce your business to, you will end up stagnating and your business will be at a stand still. When most network marketers exhaust their list of family and friends, they don't know where to turn and end up quitting. Well my friend, there are solutions... We live in the information age and the internet is chock full of endless possibilities and different ways to grow your network marketing business. Technology is the place to be if you are looking to expand your sphere of influence and have advantages in this industry that literally 99% of network marketers do not even know exist. I am able to generate an average of 20-30 new, targeted leads every single day for my businesses without spending ANY money on traditional advertising. When you really get a fundamental understanding of what it means to be a "marketer", there is no end to the amount of profits and success you can create in your business. Real marketing knowledge is something that will end up making you more money in your entrepreneurial career than literally ANY other skill. The internet is EXACTLY where you want to be if you're looking to create wealth this day and age. I'm going to be showing you techniques and strategies that will literally shock you with how simple and effective they really are. Success in the internet marketing world really is an exact science. It all comes down to the effectiveness of two fundamental components: Traffic and Conversions. The more TARGETED traffic you can drive and the better the system you have in place to convert that traffic to sales, the more profitable your business will be. Now, I do NOT teach people how to cheat by purchasing stale old leads from some generic company and cold-calling them. That is not a real way to market at all. I create my own leads... people who already know who I am, and hopefully like and trust me. That is the power behind real marketing and branding "you" online... And this is exactly what you will learn how to do. Not only will you learn how to use technology to create targeted leads for your business, but I'm also going to show you how you can get access to some of the most advanced marketing systems and funnels in the industry. Sounds exciting, right? Well it is! There is so much potential to create wealth online right now that it literally makes me squirm in my seat with excitement :) I'm here to spread the word and share this powerful knowledge with you kamal so that you can finally break free from the chains of financial worries. And if you're not struggling with money right now, odds are you don't even have time to sit down and read a book because you're so busy working. Real freedom is TOTAL freedom... freedom to spend your time the way you like AND freedom from financial stress. So yesterday I talked to you about EMPOWERMENT and today about MARKETING. A solid and total understanding of these two elements WILL bring you exactly where you want to be in your network marketing business. But you must take action. There's no getting around that! Successful entrepreneurs are those who take consistent, massive action on a daily basis. Stay tuned and I'll be sharing a whole lot more with you very soon! Have a beautiful and prosperous day!
Yours in True Success,
Justin Glover

Profit Formula 2

What Will Help You Be More Successful!!!
NOW $49 for the Lorex In/Outdoor Color Mini Camera with Night Vision (BUY1 GET1 FREE)

So now you've learned about true empowerment, why you need to learn marketing, and how to find the most profitable business opportunity for you...

What I'm going to be talking about today is also critically important to your success as an internet entrepreneur. This will help you become much more successful in a shorter period of time.

I'm talking about having a coach, or a mentor. Someone to show you the ropes and guide you down the straightest path possible.

This will save you precious time, money, and energy.

Why? Well, there are endless different ways you can use the internet to build a business and it can be quite overwhelming. If you try to figure it all out on your own, you might end up running yourself around in circles without ever making a dime.

The smartest and easiest way get started in this industry is to learn from people who are already successful. That way you'll know exactly what to do and how to do it.

Like I said before, internet marketing is a real science, so you don't need to go reinvent the wheel. Take advantage of the opportunity to learn from people who have already paved the road to success.

There are some techniques that work very very well, and others that do not. There are certain strategies that will make you a massive profit and others that will end up costing you money.

You can save yourself from making the same painful mistakes that others have had to make to get to where they're at today.

Fortunately for me, I ended up partnering up with some of the most successful internet marketers that ever existed and was able to start making money my very first month in the industry.

Now, of course I was able to make this happen because I took action and actually implemented what I was learning, but having a real roadmap to follow definitely shortened the painful learning curve.

I was able to learn and master some of the most advanced and profitable strategies that have ever existed. And now I am a coach and mentor. Having this guidance and knowledge is what will put you on the fast track to success, too.

One of the beautiful things about the home business industry is that you WANT your team, or your business partners to be successful. The more successful they are, the more you are, too. And of course there is the satisfaction of knowing that you were able to help someone else realize their financial goals in life.

Quite different from the cutthroat corporate world, isn't it?

More and more people are coming to the internet every single day looking for alternative ways to create wealth. They are sick of their monotonous, unfulfilling, and limited jobs.

The "old school" methods of wealth creation in this world are no longer cutting it for many people. Going to school, getting a job, and working your way up the corporate ladder is not really the ideal choice anymore.

With our changing economy, internet based businesses are really the only thing that's actually flourishing these days. Like I said before, we are on the frontier of a modern day gold rush.

The internet and technology is exactly where you want to be to create wealth and freedom for yourself and many people are starting to become aware of this.

The people who position themselves as leaders and internet coaches are the ones who are going to profit the most.

So, this isn't just about finding yourself a mentor, this is about preparing yourself to become one, too!

That's really what this industry is about. Once you make the leap from student to leader, you are now a mentor for others. The more value and knowledge you can give to people, the more successful you will ultimately be.

I'm here to guide you, inspire you, empower you, and teach you exactly how to develop the skills and abilities you need to be a massively successful internet entrepreneur.

I show you EXACTLY, step by step, how to build the most profitable online business possible. I specialize in teaching 100% FREE marketing strategies that literally 99% of the population does not know yet.

These are techniques that will make you more money right now and for years to come than you ever thought possible.

By partnering up with me in business, you get access to my top-tier mentorship and coaching for free. If joining me in business is not what's best suited for you right now, I do take on private coaching clients as well.

I'm going to be here working hard to create more success for myself... and when you're ready to do the same thing, we'll make it happen for you, too :)

We'll be speaking again real soon ...

Yours in Truth and Success,
Justin Glover

P.S. If you haven't done so yet, make sure you check out the new company that my partners and I are launching right now:

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Profit Formula 1

Why You NEED To Be Empowered....

This is probably one of the most important messages you will ever hear when it comes to developing as a truly successful entrepreneur.

In fact, the extent to which you understand the message that I'm conveying today will ultimately determine the extent of your success.

So what is empowerment exactly? It's far beyond motivation and drive, although those attributes are important as well.

True empowerment starts with the knowledge of who you really are... A realization of the infinite power you have within.

Unfortunately, most of us have been conditioned since childhood to believe that we weren't good enough, or that we are limited, powerless, separate individuals.

We end up allowing our limiting belief systems, emotions, and insecurities to dictate our lives.

This conditioning, which is mostly unconscious, will greatly hinder our ability to truly develop into successful entrepreneurs.

That's why you need to take the time to do some "internal investigation"... Find out what your hang-ups are, what holds you back, what makes you feel afraid, what limiting beliefs you have about yourself, etc.

Once you bring these self-defeating beliefs and concepts to the surface, you can start to see how false they really are. They are essentially just illusions in your mind.

The more internally aware you are, the less control your thoughts, emotions, and limiting belief systems will have on you.

I'm going to let you know right now that this industry is not just a cake walk... You WILL be challenged.

Your fears and insecurities will be tested and you will more than likely have to step out of your comfort zone. This is really such a beautiful thing because real growth can only truly happen when we are challenged.

And without growth, we wouldn't ever get better at what we do, we would just stay stagnant.

So when you have to take the time to figure out a new system, or learn a new skill, or overcome a fear, embrace it! It will be exactly what you need at that time to further grow and develop.

And the more YOU grow, the more your business will grow. I've witnessed this in my own life, as well as in many of my students'
lives as well.

When you really dedicate yourself to TRUTH and earnestly work to grow within yourself, truly magical things can happen...

You will awaken to the infinite power, wisdom, and strength that you've had inside yourself all along...

People, situations, and events will come into your life to encourage further growth and development...

And you will be able to manifest success more easily than you ever could before.

Seeing through false concepts, fears, and beliefs is really the first step towards empowerment. When all of this junk is cleared out of your consciousness, you will have created a clear channel for true cosmic wisdom and power to flow through you.

Now, it's also very important that you figure out exactly why you want this... Why do you want to be an entrepreneur? Why do you want to be free, financially abundant, or wealthy?

You see, people who are truly empowered are not solely driven by money. They most often have a bigger vision, or reason for doing what they're doing. This internal fire will be the driving force in your success.

If you just want some extra cash to buy that new car or go on that new vacation, your actions will not have very much raw power behind them. In fact, if money is your only motivation, you will likely quit under the slightest bit of resistance.

Why? Because sometimes it's much easier to quit. It's easier to just go get a second job or take out a loan to pay for the possessions that you desire.

Only when you have a higher purpose for wanting to create wealth and freedom will it actually happen :) This could be a desire to spend more time with family, to be able to pursue your true passions in life, or maybe you want to give back to the world in a big way...

Whatever your reason is, hold it close to your heart and know that it is more than possible to create this reality for yourself.

Another aspect of empowerment is mindset. You must have the mindset of a leader, of someone who is already successful. People are naturally attracted to leaders, to people who are strong, independent, and have real knowledge to give.

Leaders are committed, disciplined, and self-sufficient. Now, of course you are going to need guidance and mentorship when you are new to this industry, but you can start developing this mentality right from the beginning.

The faster your leap from student to leader, the more successful you will ultimately be.

Start building your internal value right from the start. Take it upon yourself to learn about all of the intricacies of your particular business and industry, and study people who are already successful. Become a sponge for knowledge.

The more value and knowledge you have within yourself, the more you have to give to others. And the more you give, the more successful you will be. This is an industry of giving... The person who has the most real value to offer is the one who will come out on top.

People can inherently sense whether or not you have done the "internal work" on yourself, whether or not you are a real leader, and whether you have true value to offer... So please don't skimp on this part. It is utterly crucial to your success and development.

I'm going to be sharing knowledge with you about making money online and personal development that literally 99% of the population has yet to understand.

Take what I've shared with you to heart today.
True empowerment WILL CREATE the wealth, success, and freedom you desire.

I'm really looking forward to sharing more with you in the days to come. Stay tuned... :)

Yours in Success
Justin Glover

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

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Friday, May 15, 2009

India Results is a much acclaimed and widely popular portal being extensively used by students, teachers and parents all over India & abroad.. The examination results portal receives a large number of hits from anxious students, teachers, parents, school authorities and other stakeholders. In 2006 itself, a whooping 40 million hits were received on this portal during the declaration of the CBSE Results (class X & XII) alone. While 1,66,000 mark sheets were emailed into the individual students' mailboxes.
Within a few moments of the declarations of Results, hits are seen flowing in from all over the country (including the remotest corners through the cyber cafes/ community centres) as well as from other parts of the world.
Examination Boards can access detailed analysis of traffic / usage of the results & other information published by them by logging through BOARD CORNER

Click here to search desired results.